The Pull List, 8.24.16

Here at Kaboooooom we love our comic books, but if you’re new to the game or just don’t frequent the local comic shop, it can be hard to know where to start. For that, we’re here to help. Every week we’ll share with you our recommendations for what you should be checking out and what you need to know before you crack that cover – it’s Kabooooom’s Pull List!

Sarah Moran

Pull List: Detective Comics #939 [Review], Wonder Woman #5, Star Wars #22, Archie #11
This Week’s Must Read: Captain Marvel #8 [Review]

captain marvel 8 cvrMuch of Marvel Comics is currently embroiled in their Civil War II event, which just like the first Civil War, sees the heroes of the Marvel Universe picking sides and facing off. On one side is Captain Marvel, leading those who believe in using a certain Inhuman’s ability to predict the future as a crime deterrent. Representing the other side is Iron Man, who is surprisingly the more reasonably minded character this time around (because he’s must have seen Minority Report) and knows this pre-cog stuff is all a bad idea.

I’ve been avoiding most of the Civil War II hubbub outside of this series, but I can’t avoid how it’s been ruining Carol Danvers. Still, this issue says it will be the “story that will change everything for Captain Marvel,” so I’m giving it a shot. Here’s hoping it’s the one in where she either comes to her senses or is some way validated for acting like a dangerous wacko. (Then again, probably not, because Civil War II continues well into the fall. Sigh.)


Matt Morrison

Pull List: Batgirl #2, Clean Room #11, Conan The Slayer #2, Disney’s Darkwing Duck #4 [Review], The Flash #5, Injustice: Gods Among Us: Year Five #36 (Digital Edition), Lucifer #9, Snotgirl #2 Titans #2, Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #11
This Week’s Must Read: Blue Beetle Rebirth #1 [Review]

blue beetle rebirth 1 cvrIt seems that they’re retelling Jamie Reyes’ origins yet again with this issue. Hopefully, they’ll be restoring the status quo from the original series, which boasted one of the most unique takes on a modern teenager trying to be a superhero ever. Either way, with Keith Giffen writing and Scott Kolin on art, this will be one to watch.


Alex Chautin

Pull List: Over the Garden Wall #5, The Flash #5, Atomic Robo and the Temple of Od #1, Ghostbusters International #8, Patsy Walker A.K.A Hellcat #9, Moongirl and Devil Dinosaur #10
This Week’s Must Read: Snotgirl #2

snotgirl 2 cvrPop an allergy pill and bring a travel pack of tissues. With words from the incomparable Bryan Lee O’Malley and art by the equally inspiring Leslie Hung, Snotgirl has been a buzzing topic in some circles recently. As issue #2 hits shelves this week after a surprisingly congested premiere, it goes without saying that many readers and fans of both creators are eager to see what comes next for our new favorite green-haired blogger.

Buy these comics at your local comic book store (Don’t know where that is? Here you go.), from Things From Another Universe, or digitally via

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