This issue is something of a disappointment after the first special, with the characterization being paper thin and the story fairly standard stuff for a team series. Taken as a work of commentary however, the book becomes a brilliant piece of satire, albeit it possibly unintentionally. I can’t say I liked it much but neither did I dislike it. Continue reading JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA #1 [Review]

COMICS Kabooooom is Excited for in 2016

At our core, Kabooooom is a comic book site. And at the core of our love for comics is a love for superheroes. Comics are far more than capes and cowls these days (thank goodness!), but it’s these epic, cosmic stories of heroes and villains that continue to make us most excited for the coming year. Here are the comics the Kabooooom crew is most looking forward too… Sarah Moran Looking Forward To: Legend of Wonder Woman, Wonder Woman Earth One, Poison Ivy: Cycle of Life and Death, Batman, Black Canary, Harley Quinn, Harley’s Little Black Book, DC Comics Bombshells, … Continue reading COMICS Kabooooom is Excited for in 2016

The Kabooooom! Pull List, 8.20.14 Edition

Here at Kaboooooom we live and breathe comic books, but if you’re new to the game or just don’t frequent the local comic shop it can be hard to know where to start. For that, we’re here to help. Every week we’ll share with you our recommendations for what you should checking out and what you need to know before you crack that cover – it’s Kabooooom’s Pull List! Sarah Moran, Writer Pull List: Adventure Time #31, Batwoman #34, Multiversity #1, The Wicked + The Divine #3, Ms. Marvel, The Fade Out #1 This Week’s Must Read: Multiversity #1 Grant … Continue reading The Kabooooom! Pull List, 8.20.14 Edition